Creepy disregard for comprehensive transportation planning- highlighted by WTOP article & its ad juxtaposition.
The I-495 Capital Beltway has the highest accident rate on the portion with the truncation of real I-95, higher even than the curvy section to the northwest.
Such is the area where southbound I-95 traffic must exit onto the Capital Beltway, with "I-95" signed upon that southbound segment of the Capital Beltway. Of that, much of that southbound traffic exits onto the Baltimore-Washington Parkway and Maryland Route 50.
Newly released numbers from the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Maryland State Highway Administration show that over the last few years, the greatest number of crashes and fatal crashes on the Capital Beltway happened in Prince George's County. The counts in Virginia and Montgomery County were significantly lower.
The highest concentration of crashes was on the segment between the Interstate 95 Interchange in College Park and the U.S. 50 Interchange in Landover.
This is of course due to the irresponsible refusal to construct inside the Beltway I-95, despite its clear right of way almost entirely to the District line, and the low number of residences that would be need for removal to connect with the B&O Metropolitan Branch-WMATA Red Line corridor that passes alongside Catholic University of America.
That low number was about 27 late 1940s construction red brick hoses; that low number was due to the open space of the field of the Masonic Eastern Star Home property.
That is until about 2012 with the utterly IRRESPONSIBLE perjurious approval and construction of "The Hampshires" - some 110 residences foolishly placed upon the unbuilt I-95 route - placing real estate developer profits over people - the general public be damned.
Via my previous "A Trip Within The Beltway" blog articles, people potentially buying into this real estate planning boondoggle, simply googling the name of the project, were warned
Comstock - "The Hampshires" Demolition Specials
Celebrating Socially Irresponsible Profeteering
& Contempt for the Public Welfare
& Contempt for the Public Welfare