Idiotic chock of Washington D.C.'s main northern radial transport corridor also disregards need for 3rd MARC trackway. See
This talks about the need for a THIRD railway track for MARC trains via the Metropolitan Branch corridor. From the above actfortransit url:
Another project to pay attention to is a third track for the Maryland Area Rail Commuter (MARC) Brunswick Line. CSX moves its freight trains in this corridor, and to move more passenger trains requires a third track. Add in that Frederick County is expected to grow 36% by 2040 (forecast from Metropolitan Washington Council of Government), and it is clear we must have more capacity. We need to make sure we reserve right-of-way and ask the state to start putting in a third track to accommodate more passenger traffic. In addition,we need to keep an eye on the money − money spent to widen I-270 [sic- fight the cigarette protectionist 'drug war' pharmacratic Inquisition] would be money not available for transit.