Saturday, March 03, 2007

How Things Went at the U.S. National Capital Planning Commission: November 1, 2001

I was not alone in my pleas at the November meeting, where I was joined by Alexandria resident Ed Ford. He had purchased and moved into the southern-most house along the east side of St. Asplund Street which ends at the St. Mary’s graveyard immediately next to the Capital Beltway ascent to the bridge. Mr. Ford, having seen the urban deck plans covering this area of the Beltway alongside his house, relied upon these plans in making his offer to purchase that house, prior to the changes in planning. The reduction in the deck would reduce his property’s anticipated value. Having looked for support from various entities in Alexandria that one might think might be helpful, Mr. Ford was quite pessimistic. He hoped to do better before the N.C.P.C., which had worked to increase the traffic on the Beltway by Mr. Ford's neighborhood by canceling I-95 through Washington, D.C., and hence should not turn their backs upon Mr. Ford's neighborhood's plight.

Both of us spoke before N.C.P.C. Mr. Ford was polite enough to note to the N.C.P.C. that he was speaking for his neighborhood, and that they saw no need to bother the N.C.P.C. with a lengthy list of speakers.

But N.C.P.C. would certainly turn their backs upon Mr. Ford's neighborhood, especially N.C.P.C. member Richard L. Friedman (appointed by the preceding U.S. President Clinton whose term ended January 20, 2001), who was anxious to end our pleas. He seemed quite uninterested and unconcerned about our interests and concerns. He moved to end discussion and vote, which they did.

Like before none voted against the deck reduction; but unlike before we got one abstention, the D.C. delegate, Ellen McCarthy.

I dropped off about 25 or 30 of my Orb “See and Compare” buttons that inspired The Alexandria/Fairfax Journal’s December 18, 2000 page one coverage for each of N.C.P.C.’s members. I figured I would hear back from some, but I heard back from not even a single one.

How about extending Washington, D.C.'s monumental core beauty to a portion of the Capital Beltway? Nah, just block off the southern waterfront instead.

That's some N.C.P.C..

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